Greek police stall journalists as migrant camp dismantled
When Greek police started dismantling a big migrant camp on the border with Macedonia, journalists, NGO workers and other activists rushed to take photos and videos. More …
When Greek police started dismantling a big migrant camp on the border with Macedonia, journalists, NGO workers and other activists rushed to take photos and videos. More …
The ‚No Border Serbia‘ collective is inviting everyone to ‚Chai not Borders‘. We are meeting one of their members for a short chat about their political work, the current situation in Serbia and transnational solidarity. More …
The Moving Europe bus is a project by Welcome to Europe, Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration and bordermonitoring.eu. The aims of the bus are to document the situation on the Balkan route, to provide information for people on the move, and to strengthen political networks along the route. More …
Der MovingEurope-Bus versorgt Flüchtlinge auf der Balkanroute mit Strom für Mobiltelefone, Internet und Infos für eine sichere Reise. More …
Europe is at crossroads: Are hundreds of thousands at the external borders to be condemned to die, to be detained in camps or even to be shot at? Then a cycle of rebellion and repression would take hold of Turkey and the Balkan alike. More …
Europa steht am Wendepunkt: Sollen Hunderttausende an den Außengrenzen dem Sterben überlassen, in Lager gesperrt oder gar erschossen werden? Dann würde ein Zyklus von Rebellion und Repression auch die Türkei und den Balkan erfassen. More …