Factual reports documenting border violence and human rights violations in spaces of control and contention along the Balkanroute

Factual reports documenting border violence and human rights violations in spaces of control and contention along the Balkanroute
Critical historical analysis, articles and interviews on EU migration policies and its consequences along the Balkanroute
Regular updates on the situation in Northern Greece and the Balkanroute, provided by the Moving Europe Bus Team
Constantly updated travelling information for people on the move along the Balkanroute, gathered through a network of activists
Zum zweiten Mal jährt sich im September der March of Hope vom Budapester Bahnhof Keleti. Tausende Menschen brachen gemeinsam Richtung Österreich und Deutschland auf und machten so ihr Recht auf Migration und Flucht gegen das EU-Grenzregime geltend. More …
bordermonitoring.eu | 02.08.2017 Vor zwei Jahren kamen hunderttausende Flüchtlinge während des langen Sommers der Migration über die Türkei, Griechenland und den Balkan vor allem nach Deutschland. Dort wurden sie zunächst in einer unerwarteten Welle der More …
Ein Jahr EU-Türkei-Deal: Die Lage der Flüchtlinge in Athen und auf Lesbos zwischen Verzweiflung und Protest. More …
Today is the first anniversary of the signature of the EU-Turkey statement, commonly known as the EU-Turkey Deal, which aimed at stopping the arrival of asylum seekers and migrants in the EU. It was signed on 18th March 2016 as an answer to the “long summer of migration“. More …
I am Zanyar Faraj delegate all refugees l send my voice to the press, psychologists and human rights worldwide. I have spoken with all Refugees who are here in order to reach officials there are important points will talk about it, please read this report very well. More …
Yamen had received a three years prison sentence in the first instance in 2016, as he was recognised speaking through a loudspeaker to the crowd. The judge detected some minor flaws in his prior verdict. More …
On Thursday 8th of February, Mahmoud A. was brought for his interrogation with the prosecutor in Kilkis in Northern Greece. He is accused of having organized a demonstration in the refugee camp Idomeni at the Greek-Macedonian Border on 10th of April last year. More …