- Cherso
- Cherso
- Cherso
- Cherso
- Cherso
- Cherso
- Polykastro
- Polykastro
In Cherso, there are already 3700 people, but there is still some space for people to be lodged. But recommending anyone to go to this place would be perverse. More …
As the rain is not forecast to stop until Wednesday, the small tents scattered around the fields in Idomeni continue to be more and more entrenched in the mud. More …
The situation in the camp hasn’t changed. People still hope for the border to open as there is no information given to anyone. For now the rain has stopped, but the camp is still very muddy and as soon as the rain starts again, it is impossible to walk and build up more tents. More …
The new border fence between Bulgaria and Turkey is not ready, yet. In February 2016, the Bulgarian government decided to spend additional 17 Million Euro on it, 47 Million Euro were already paid. More …
The border is closed. People remain in Idomeni. They refuse to leave, they refuse to take the border closure for granted. Rain kept on falling all morning. The situation keeps on deteriorating. The distribution of non-food items is not working. More …
In der provisorischen Zeltstadt im griechischen Idomeni, wo etwa 13.000 Flüchtlinge gestrandet sind, fehlt es an vielem – Grundnahrungsmitteln, hygienischen Einrichtungen, medizinischer Versorgung. Aber es mangelt auch an Information. Das will das Projekt „Moving Europe“ ändern More …