Belgrade: Police raids and mass transfers to Preševo
This is a report which was send to us by an independent support collective in Belgrade. It testifies a massive nightly police operation on November 10th in Belgrade, More …
This is a report which was send to us by an independent support collective in Belgrade. It testifies a massive nightly police operation on November 10th in Belgrade, More …
Violence is omnipresent at the routes of migration in the contested border zones of Serbia, Hungary and Croatia. Furthermore, it manifests itself not only through physical attacks – violence is also exerted psychologically as well as institutionally. This report highlights these forms of violence by presenting observations and testimonies from the border zones. More …
A group of people living in Oreokastro camp in the outskirts of Thessaloniki has decided to self-organise against the unacceptable conditions. They founded a council in protest against the mistrust and frustration created through empty promises from different organizations and authorities. More …
Bordermonitoring Serbia has published a new report about recent repression against people on the move in Serbia. More …
This text has been written by people staying at the camp in Oreo Castro together with independent supporters. It accounts the developments of protest and self-organisation in the camp.
This is a statement of people from the solidarity squat Ορφανοτροφείο in regards to the eviction of our squat in Thessaloniki on the 27th of July 2016 in the early hours when police raided and evicted the house. More …
Die (migrations-)politische Situation in Bulgarien stellt sich häufig als sehr komplex, undurchsichtig und meist negativ dar. Dennoch versuchen immer wieder Menschen im Land, sich solidarisch mit Geflüchteten zu zeigen und eine andere Politik als der rechte Mainstream zu verfolgen. More …