Report on the Unlawful Pushbacks from FYROM/Macedonia to Greece on 14 March 2016
This Moving Europe report describes and analyses the unlawful and violent pushback of around 2000 people from FYROM/Macedonia to Greece which took place on the evening and night of 14 March 2016. This reports provides a detailed account of the march which led to the entering of around 2000 people into Macedonian territory and their subsequent collective expulsion to Greece. This report combines the testimonies published in the aftermath of the march on the Moving Europe Idomeni Live Ticker and the observations of the Moving Europe team during the march. It further clarifies the erroneous journalistic reports which followed the events, notably, the allegation that three people died during the march. The aim of this report is to denounce the violence and illegality of these pushbacks, undertaken by the Macedonian authorities. Macedonia, as a signatory of the European Convention on Human Rights is prohibited from collectively expulsing non-nationals from its territory, as stipulated in Art 4 Protocol 4.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Description of the Events
- Testimonies
- Clarification of the Erroneous Reports Published in the Media after the March
Download the full report here:
Report on the Unlawful Pushbacks from FYROM/Macedonia to Greece on 14 March 2016.